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Summer Work Experience Education

10 Point Breakdown of the Program


  1. WorkAbility: Staff refers qualified students to the Summer Program

  2. WorkAbility: Interview students for interest and abilities

  3. WorkAbility: Match students to appropriate employer

  4. Employer: Interview prospective students, to ensure match (Employer Option)

  5. Workability/Employer: Job Coaches make an introductory visit to the worksite. They meet the supervisor, answer any questions and give the employer their "student folder".

  6. Students: Attend a program orientation (July 3rd) to review behavior/job expectations and ask clarifying questions

  7. Students: Work experience begins onsite (July 6th-July 31st)

  8. Employers: Train student employees in the operations and procedures of their organization

  9. Students are paid a training wage by the Sacramento City Unified School District

  10. Students are covered under the SCUSD Worker's Compensation and Liability Insurance


If the Summer Work Experience Program is something that your business or agency would like to participate in, please email the Job Developer to get an Employer Request Form mailed to you. If you would like to request a meeting to address concerns or questions, please click on the corresponding button.

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